The research group Art & Spatial Praxis focuses on artistic practices that broaden our imaginations of alternative social orders and ways of living within capitalist city structures.

The Rietveld Sandberg Library and the Art & Spatial Praxis research group invite you to a morning of dialogue and learning on Wednesday 6th of December from 10:00 to 11.45 in FL101 at the Rietveld Academie with speakers Jeff Handmaker and Isabel Awad, moderated by Ali T. As’ad. They will explore narratives surrounding polarisation, media inclusion/exclusion, and apartheid regimes in relation to Israel/Palestine.

Jeff Handmaker, Associate Professor of Legal Sociology at Erasmus University Rotterdam, will share his expertise in human rights, focusing on the Middle East and South Africa. He will discuss the relevance of the South African apartheid narrative to understanding the Israeli apartheid narrative, emphasising the importance of speaking out and engaging in difficult conversations about Israel/Palestine within educational institutions.

Isabel Awad, Associate Professor at the Erasmus School of History, Culture, and Communication, will share insights into how (news) media shapes the inclusion and exclusion of marginalised groups. In her talk, she delves into the efforts of various actors challenging power imbalances within media environments and will illustrate how 'polarisation' is sometimes used to sideline non-dominant positions.

Handmaker and Awad are part of Scholars for Palestine.

Ali T. As’ad, researcher, curator, educator, and architect moderates this event. His design, research, and education practice have included collaborations with institutions in Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon. His PhD research examines the praxis of Palestinian exhibition-making and museum practice. Ali is also editor-in-chief of the MAKAN Journal of Culture & Space, a journal which engages with contemporary architectural and urban conditions.

This event is organised for staff and students seeking a deeper understanding of polarisation, power imbalances in media, and apartheid systems. We invite those interested to come, listen, reflect, and learn from experts in the field.

10:00 - 10:15: Introduction by Ali T. As’ad
10:15 - 10:35: Jeff Handmaker - Navigating the Impasse Between Israel and the Palestinians
10:35 - 10:55: Isabel Awad - Struggling for justice against silencing tactics
10:55 - 11:45: Conversation + Q&A

This event is part of  "Program in Solidarity: Learning through the Context of Palestine", a program by Unsettling Rietveld/Sandberg.

Route to FL101 in the FedLev Building at the Rietveld Academie